4894 takipçi
Alacer is a leading low-cost gold producer, with an 80% interest in the world-class Çöpler Gold Mine (“Çöpler“) in Turkey operated by Anagold Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., and the remaining 20% owned by Lidya Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. The Corporation’s primary focus is to leverage its cornerstone Çöpler Gold Mine and strong balance sheet to maximize portfolio value and free cash flow, minimize project risk, and therefore, create maximum value for shareholders. The Çöpler Gold Mine is located in east-central Turkey in the Erzincan Province, approximately 1,100 kilometers southeast from Istanbul and 550 kilometers east from Ankara, Turkey’s capital city.
The Corporation continues to pursue opportunities to further expand its current operating base to become a sustainable multi-mine producer with a focus on Turkey:
Çöpler Sulfide Expansion Project (the “Sulfide Project”)
Construction of the Sulfide Plant is complete and a staged start-up is underway. The Sulfide Project is expected to deliver long-term growth with robust financial returns and adds 20 years of production at Çöpler. The Sulfide Project will bring Çöpler’s remaining life-of-mine gold production to approximately 4 million ounces at All-in Sustaining Costs averaging $645 per ounce[1], [2].
Çöpler Oxide Plant Production
Over the course of 2018, Alacer will process oxide ore from three primary sources: Çöpler in-pit, Çakmaktepe and blended material comprising limestone rich in-pit oxide material and stockpiled low sulfide, high carbonate ore. To maximize the processing capacity of the oxide plant, the expansion of the existing heap leach pad is being accelerated and is expected to be complete in 2018. In addition, the Corporation continues to evaluate opportunities to further extend oxide production beyond the current reserves with ongoing in-pit exploration, Çöpler District exploration, and evaluation of options to further increase heap leach capacity, including the potential for a new heap leach pad to the west of the Çöpler Gold Mine.
District & In-Country Exploration Activities
The systematic and focused exploration efforts in the Çöpler District, as well as in other regions of Turkey, are progressing. In July 2018, the Corporation announced additional positive drilling results at Ardiç (“Ardich”)[3] within the Çöpler District. The Çöpler District remains the focus, with the goal of continuing to grow oxide resources that will deliver production utilizing the existing Çöpler infrastructure. In the other regions of Turkey, targeted exploration work continues, including work on the Definitive Feasibility Study for the Gediktepe Project[4]
Alacer is a Canadian corporation incorporated in the Yukon Territory with its primary listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Corporation also has a secondary listing on the Australian Securities Exchange where CHESS Depositary Interests trade.
[1] All-in Sustaining Costs per ounce is a non-IFRS performance measure with no standardized definition under IFRS. For further information and a detailed reconciliation to IFRS, please see the “Non-IFRS Measures” section of this MD&A.
[2] Detailed information regarding the Sulfide Project, including the material assumptions on which the forward-looking financial information is based, can be found in the technical report dated June 9, 2016 entitled “Çöpler Mine Technical Report” (the “Çöpler Mine Technical Report”) available on www.sedar.com and on www.asx.com.au.
[3] Detailed information, including complete drill hole data, can be found in the press release entitled “Alacer Gold Announces Additional Positive Drill Results for the Ardich Gold Prospect, including 50.2 Meters at 3.01 Grams per Tonne Gold Near Surface” (the “Ardich Update”), filed on July 25, 2018, which is available on www.sedar.com and on www.asx.com.au.
[4] Additional information on the Gediktepe Project can be found in the press release entitled “Alacer Gold Announces a New Reserve for its Gediktepe Project Providing Future Growth,” (the “Gediktepe PFS”) dated September 13, 2016, available on www.sedar.com and on www.asx.com.au.
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