28566 takipçi
G4S is the world’s leading international security solutions group, which specialises in secure outsourcing in countries and sectors where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat.
We make a difference by helping people to operate in safe and secure environments where they can thrive and prosper and we believe this role can only grow in importance.
G4S is the largest employer on the London Stock Exchange, with operations in more than 130 countries and over 650,000 employees. In this annual report we feature the important work carried out by our employees across our 130 countries. We are proud of the role they play in securing your world.
With strong market positions in developed and developing markets complementing global outsourcing trends, G4S has a sustainable growth strategy.
G4S Turkey is serving more than 350 companies with its 4,000 employees for around 27 years.
Kariyer.net’te yayınlanan iş ilanlarına göre hizmet sektöründe işe alımın en fazla olduğu departmanlar ve bir önceki döneme göre artış – azalış trendi aşağıda yer alıyor.
Aşağıdaki veriler, şu an hizmet sektöründe çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
Maaş bilgilerini paylaşmak ve bu sektörün maaş aralığını öğrenmek ister misin?
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