28391 takipçi
EnginSoft is an Italy-based multinational consulting company active in the field of Simulation-Based Engineering and Sciences. Founded in 1984, over the years EnginSoft has become the partner of choice to support companies in design process innovation, thanks to the extensive skills of our highly qualified staff. We provide a wide range of services including effective, high-quality consulting, advanced training, development of ad hoc custom software, and research. In Italy, EnginSoft employs about 120 engineers with multidisciplinary skills in a variety of contexts and technologies: large-scale, industrial, transportation, metallurgy and in all contexts in which simulation is a strategic asset for innovation and business competitiveness. We make extensive use of software solutions that match or exceed prevailing industry standards (ANSYS, MAGMA, Flowmaster, modeFRONTIER and others), and invest heavily in the use of infrastructure-based High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Computing platforms. Based on such tools and over twenty years of systematically building our knowledge and expertise, EnginSoft is able to customize the best solutions for each problem in product or process development for companies from a wide range of manufacturing sectors. These include automotive, aerospace, rail and seaborne transport, communications (electronic and electromagnetism) and energy (oil, gas and plant design). In particular, EnginSoft has extensive experience in the disciplines of mechanical and structural engineering, fluid dynamics, high- and low-frequency electromagnetism, and proven skills in the analysis of multi-physics phenomena.
EnginSoft Turkey as a member of this global network has been established in November 2014. In parallel with the global business activities EnginSoft Turkey provides advanced engineering solutions, mechanical design, software tools and technical support to its customers. Main expertise of EnginSoft Turkey is the mechanical and structural engineering, computational fluid dynamics and Multi Disciplinary Optimization using ModeFRONTIER with a highly skilled research and development engineers team. Research and development projects funded by European Union Comission and technical trainings are the activities covered by EnginSoft Turkey.
EnginSoft Turkey presents solutions to main industrial sectors including aerospace and defence, marine, automotive, household appliances, energy, manufacturing and electronics. EnginSoft Turkey is located in Teknopark İstanbul.
Kariyer.net’te yayınlanan iş ilanlarına göre mühendislik hizmetleri sektöründe işe alımın en fazla olduğu departmanlar ve bir önceki döneme göre artış – azalış trendi aşağıda yer alıyor.
Aşağıdaki veriler, şu an mühendislik hizmetleri sektöründe çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
Savunma Sanayi , Yenilenebilir Enerji , Mühendislik Hizmetleri
Savunma Sanayi , Mühendislik Hizmetleri
Savunma Sanayi
Savunma Sanayi
Hidrolik , İş Makineleri , Metal Sanayi , Çelik Montaj İmalat , Mühendislik Hizmetleri
Savunma Sanayi , Havacılık
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